Saturday 6 August 2011

The four Cs of diamond quality

The four Cs of diamond with four factors that determine the four Cs value is cut, clarity, color and carat weight, Arming yourself with information about these four factors can help you make smart buying diamond jewelry.


Cut diamond does not refer to the shape as a shape refers to the appearance of outward (round. PEAR or emerald), Cut refers to the quality of the reflection is quite high.

Most experts agree that the cuts may be the most important factor among the 4, but to understand why and how these factors affect your property value, and here are some things you should know.

For the first time since eliminating reference to Diamond reflection reflective quality. Cutting a good helping of brilliance should appear if it comes from the heart of it. The angles and completed it is given the ability to manipulate light, which produces brilliant.

Good wrapping allows light to enter through a table, and then travel to pavillion that will get results from one side to another before it is reflection of a diamond and this light eye appraising onlookers is what we have been referred to as spark and this flickering effects that make it a captivating diamond.


Clarity of refers to the presence in identifying marks (Roy) and internal (including) diamond. No crisis is bad considering its enormous amount of pressure used to create one of the natural.

Two flaws as stated above. With Roy and Roy seem to surface inclusions, while inclusions are internal defects inside the crease might include chip pits and scratches. A few may occur during the text-wrapping Inclusions including cracks, not diamond minerals within the diamond and air bubbles. However, when it comes to grading diamonds all defects are called inclusions.

Diamonds that have little or no inclusions or more valuable than others because they are rare.


Color refers to the absence or presence of color in white diamonds. The color results from composition of diamond is so it will not change over time. Colorless diamond, light to pass through than emiting color diamonds sparkle more and brilliance, because the process of formation of diamonds to ensure that only a few diamond is colorless totally. Whiter the diamond is greater than.

Carat weight

Carat is a unit of measure that the diamond weight is equal to 200 milligrams or 0.2 grams per carat.

Carat terms derived from the carob seeds that ancient peoples used to balance these small grain balance so similar in shape and weight, although khoi modern instruments do not exceed three one thousandths of a degree difference between seeds.

Formation process of diamond occurred in situations where a very small and need to use natural materials found in small amounts. To refer to large diamonds are discovered is not very long than diamonds that are smaller. Larger diamonds, and therefore rare and has more value per carat. This is the reason of diamond prices exponentially increase the size.

Stephanie Scott as consultant of the radius of an LLC stores that retail diamond based in Florida. The company offers thousands of diamonds that has been certified as well as a large selection of fine jewellery engagement ring and more.

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